Build Peace 2025: Application to Contribute


Before applying to contribute, please review the conference program to ensure your contribution speaks to the Build Peace 2025 themes.

Each year, we fundraise for a travel fund to make Build Peace accessible for those who would not be able to finance their travels. You will be able to request support to cover travel costs in the application below.

We will try to accommodate as many relevant sessions as we can.

Have a question? Email

At Build Up we take your privacy very seriously, and will only use your personal information to select contributions and contact you before, during and after the conference.


Build Peace 2025 call for proposals
Language choiceStep 1 of 6

We accept short talks and art installations in English, Spanish and Catalan, and workshops in English and Spanish. Please submit the application in the same language you will deliver your session. We look forward to reading your application!

Acceptem short talks i instal·lacions artístiques en anglès, castellà i català, i workshops només en anglès i castellà. Ompliu el formulari en el mateix idioma que la vostra sessió. Gràcies per la vostra sol·licitud!

Aceptamos short talks y instalaciones artísticas en inglés, español y catalán, y workshops solo en inglés y castellano. Porfavor rellenad el formulario en el mismo idioma que vuestra sesión.  Gracias por vuestra solicitud!