About Build Peace

Build Peace is a global conference series and community of practice that brings together practitioners, activists, academics, policy makers, artists and technologists from around the world to share experiences and advance knowledge on emergent challenges to peace in a digital age, and peacebuilding innovations to address these challenges. Under this umbrella, each year Build Peace focuses on one central theme, linked to the location where the conference takes place.

The most public aspect of Build Peace is a conference event: an inter-disciplinary space that runs over three full days. Around 300 people gather annually at Build Peace conference events. Participants come from more than 60 different countries, working in national and international NGOs, the UN system, academic institutions, civil society organisations, grassroots organizing and the private sector.

We believe that the Build Peace community is defining new pathways to build peace that focus on enhancing citizen participation in peace, using technology and creativity as critical tools, entry points or frameworks. Past conferences have served as catalysts for new projects and partnerships. Our partners and participants regularly express their appreciation for the conference as a venue for both discussion and networking. We view the conference event as a catalyst for the strengthening of the ecosystem of social innovation for peace, focused on that year’s topic and location. We organise research, conversations and interventions before and after the conference event to support a broader conversation that goes beyond the conference event.

Build Peace is a program of Build Up, a global non-profit that implements programs, conducts research, and develops technical solutions to engage with conflict and build societies in which everyone can thrive.